Join us for our Monthly Meeting! We meet in person and virtually on the first Wednesday of the month. Prospective members, fellow Kiwanians, and members of the K-Family are always welcome. This is our annual meeting where we elect officers.
This meeting we will be giving out our scholarships.
Join us for our Monthly Meeting! We meet in person and virtually on the first Wednesday of the month. Prospective members, fellow Kiwanians, and members of the K-Family are always welcome.
Join us for our Monthly Meeting! We meet in person and virtually on the first Wednesday of the month. Prospective members, fellow Kiwanians, and members of the K-Family are always welcome
Posts by mary:
Upcoming Events
Board of Directors Meeting
Key Club District Convention
Key Club District Convention
Key Club District Convention
Club Meeting
NVFS SERVE Shelter Event
Division 2 Council Meeting
Location and Time are TBD
Board of Directors Meeting
Red Bag Event Day (Food for Neighbors)
Club Meeting
Highway Clean Up
Board of Directors Meeting
Club Meeting
Night at the Ballpark: Freddy Nats